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Wednesday 2 November 2016

Shah Alam Convention Centre; Anugerah Kantin Bersih Peringkat Kebangsaan Tahun 2016



Throwback my previous activities regarding to my current job. Last month i was invited by the organizer which is our MOH to joining event Majlis Anugerah Kantin Bersih, Selamat dan Sihat Peringkat Kebangsaan 2016.
As 1 of our school from district was selected to the final, so i am represent on behalf of the district.

The event was on 17th October, after that on 18th november i have to present for my Pencapaian Tahunan to my boss. I kinda phobia to the high so taking flight is not my option. Eventho the event only for 1 day, i rather choose to driving then having a flight to go there.
Thanks to my sister in law who was willing to drove me there and accompany me. We head to KL on 17 and go back at 18th, it was very short time to travel and driving for about 400 km one way is not an easy thing. Luckily, she manage to do so and she the one that driving the car all along the road.

School selected from our district was previously had won that Anugerah, i forget what year it was. This year, they are selected again and win among other school in Kelantan.

Unfortunately, they didn't got any Piala on Peringkat Kebangsaan. I can see, some of the teacher were look so upset and disappointed. Its adat la, win or loose it depend on the judge and also luck. Just accept it and make it as a motivation for the next upcoming year.

As for me, i still new with this kind of task. In term of how to help them, how to guide them to follow all the requirement, on how to advise them for certain part and so forth. With all this involvement, i had learn and gain knowledge, hopefully for next year i can guide and give more attention to those school selected.


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